Gentle, effective treatment to get you back on track….

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 Returning you to Strength, Mobility & Balance  

with Gentle Chiropractic Care and Applied Kinesiology

All 5 Star Google Reviews

Seona Gunn-Kelly DC, MChiro, BAHons

Welcome to St Ives Wellness Clinic

We offer you a clever and intutative diagnosis using applied kinesiology, combined with gentle, effective theraputic techniques to ease and resolve your aches and pains. Your treatment plan will also include advice on managing your health and wellness using nutrition, hydration and appropriate exercise

Friendly Clinic Near You

Based in St Ives, Cambridgeshire on East Street

Experienced Chiropractor

Seona has 16 years of experience as a chiropractor, prior to that trained as a sports scientist and qualified as a personal trainer and massage therapist. With 30 years of experience working with the human body she has a great depth of knowledge to help you reach your pain free health potential.

Opening Times

Monday 1pm til 7pm
Tuesday 8 am til 6.30 pm
Wednesday 12.30pm til 4.30 pm
Thursday 8am til 7 pm -Wellbeing Coach
Friday 8 am til 2.30pm
Saturday By request
Sunday Closed

back, neck, spine

Committed To Excellence

Bringing Your Body Back Into Balance

My treatments are designed to help find the weak areas of your body, bring them back to a healthy strength and allow your body to do what it does best and heal itself so you can function to the best of your ability.

I use no clicking or cracking adjustments, everything I do is gentle, focused and designed to rebalance your body. It’s a bit like detective work, I use my diagnostic skills to work out the root cause of your pain and dysfunction then work with you to optimise your health, nutrition and movement patterns.

Seona Gunn-Kelly DC, MChiro, BAHons

Chiropractor, Applied Kinesiologist


Happy Clients!

I visited SIWC Clinic after a recommendation by a friend, initially to seek help for pain in my hip. After my initial assessment my hip issue was linked to a long term back problem that I had. After every session with Seona I felt improvement, either in pain level, mobility, or general posture.

During each treatment the procedures were clearly explained, and after considerable improvement I now choose to visit every two months as a maintenance programme.

I have gleaned so much information and help from seeing Seona and also can't believe the difference in the way I now feel day to day compared to when I first attended, I only wish I had visited the clinic years earlier. 5*

Jason Day
Swavsey, Cambridgeshire

I decided to see Seona after listening to a friend describe her experience at the Wellness Centre and the subsequent benefits of her treatment. Previously I had seen an Osteopath for an ongoing sacroiliac joint problem with varying degrees of success. Seona's treatment was different, not so dramatic, no clicking but very effective with a all over feeling of free and easy movement after the first session. Seona instils confidence in her friendly and knowledgeable manner and I am happy to travel quite a distance to see her for further appointments. Sue, Stamford 5*

From Stamford

After suffering with lower back pain for a year it was recommended I see a chiropractor. I found Seona online, her friendly nature put me at ease straight away and she was able to fix my problem in just 3 sessions. I have recommended her to friends and family. Thank you Seona! 5*

Carrie Polwarth
St Ives, Cambridgeshire

I've suffered from lower back pain for decades, and exhausted most other treatments for relief with mixed results and was still seeking the right treatment regime for me.  Seona's style and methodology has done the job that others have failed to do.  Her "head to toe" holistic examination, diagnosis and soft touch treatment has worked wonders.  But make no mistake, her soft touch has a powerful affect.  She helps you to take control of your healing process and through her treatment gives you the confidence to move forward.  I have recommended her to family and friends and yes, wished I found her years ago 5*

Hamilton Scanlon
Warboys, Cambs

I went to  see Seona after being diagnosed with Arthritis in both shoulders from my GP. I was suffering intense pain in both shoulders and back and was finding everyday tasks difficult. After just 6 sessions the pain has almost disappeared and I feel great. Seona explains everything she does and her technique is gentle but so effective. She is easy to talk to and just great at what she does, so glad I found her.Thank you Seona 5*

Sandra Starling
Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire
5 Star Google rating

Complete Care

Bringing Balance To Your Body
Experienced Chiropractor

Seona has 16 years of experience being a chiropractor, prior to that she was a personal trainer and massage therapist for 10 years. In that time Seona has discovered the best resut come from a whole body approach or Holistic Approach. One in which all aspects of the history of your injuries, previous traumas, current health and emotional stresses and nutritional health are taken into consideration for your treatment plan.

Advance Treatment​

The advancement of my training and diagnostic skills is rooted in Applied Kinesiology, Nutrition and Bach's Flower Remedies to help with emotional stress and Advanced Injury Recall to clear trapped chronic injuries using very gentle advanced neurological cranial nerve corrective techniques.
The emphasis of my early training was learning how best to help children and young adults who suffer with bodily aches and pains and i continue to love working with children and young people.

Treatment Results

After 2-4 treatments most clients are significantly improved on average up to 80%, after 4-6 treatments most clients would say they are 100% better. Your body needs time to heal and adapt between treatments therefore 4-6 treatments are suggested. Of course there are no guarantees but 9 times out of 10 clients feel their injuries are resolved and they feel signifcantly better!

Book An Appointment

It's easy to book an appointment you can call or text on 07377773312,
Email at
Or book online here

Technique Overviews

Discover your next treatment. I use a combination of all of these therapies to rebalance your body.
Applied Kinesiology

This diagnostic technique uses muscle testing to find weakness or hyper-function of a muscle. Using the principles of balancing the body your therapist will identify nutritional, emotional or physical causes of your weakness. 

Myofascial Release

Myofascia is the connective tissue that helps our body communicate it’s movement patterns and physical reaction – it’s complexity is immense. Using this technique allows Seona to release seemingly unconnected muscular/joint pains and strains in the body simultaneously. 

Injury Recall Technique

This technique is based on the nervous system recording and retaining memory of events that happen in your lifetime. Especially Injuries, traumas or surgeries. IRT clears the adaptive patterns of movement that result from these traumas and helps to reset the nervous system.

Positional Release Technique

This technique is typical used with protective muscle spasms. Protective muscles spasms usually occur as a result of injury or the potential for injury and are the bodies way of attempting to prevent further damage. Using this gentle technique of strain counterstrainyour therapist can aid relaxation and release of tight muscles.

Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Deficiencies have wide spread implication for your health and wellness. Different muscles reflect different parts of the body in acupuncture and 5 elements. Idenitifying weakness in specific muscles shines light on nutritional deficiencies, so we can improve your nutritional health, through improving your intake of certain foods or supplementation.

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger Point Therapy is a neuromuscular therapy designed to speed up recovery from injury, correct muscular imbalances and relieve pain. Your therapist will stretch the muscle and then apply pressure to areas of muscle tightness or ‘knots’. This helps to relieve muscle tension and promote healing.

Types of Assessments & Treatments

We Have All Your Needs Covered

Please see our FAQs below if you would like more information on the different treatments.
Initial Consultation

This 45 minute assessment & first treatment provides a diagnosis, treatment plan and first treatment of your injuries/strain using gentle diagnosis and treatment techniques. Please book this session if it’s your first time at the clinic or if you are returning client and haven’t been for over a year.

If you have never visited the clinic before or you are returning after a year then this is the appointment for you.


Follow Up Appointment

This 45 or 30 minute follow up session is booked after your intial consultation with Seona, she will guide you to the length of your follow up sessions. You will normally require between 3 to 6 follow us sessions to bring you back into balance from a new or chronic injury.

 If you are returning to the clinic after more than a year please rebook an initial consultation. 

You can book online or call or text for an appointment

£73 for 45 mins or £50 for 30 mins

Five Elements Applied Kinesiology Session

This is a double session (90 mins), deep diving into the Acupuncture 5 Elements Protocol- I work with 13 muscles testing your strength in each area- based on the outcome I then correct the weak muscles, using injury recall technique, acupressure points, neurovasular points, neurolymphatc points, advice on nutrition, local neural and myofascial tissue release and much more to brining your body back into harmony and balance.

A perfect treatment for a total reset, either as a standalone treatment or part of your treatment programme


Full Body or 30 Minute
Body Reset

Our Full Body or 30 minute body maintenance treatment is a top to toe rebalancing and wellbeing treatment. 

Perfect to keep your body relaxed, calm your nervous system and help your body move in harmony.  

If you are looking for a regular full body maintenance treatment that will enhance your general welbeing and maximisethe health benefits of calming your nervous system, you have found your perfect treatment!

Please note that this is a non-diagnostic treatment, but is a powerful and effect treatment to help you rebalance and reset.


30 Mins £50

1 Hour Full Body  £99

 Book using the BUTTON below. 

Intensive Body Care Programme - Rapidly reduce pain and increase function.

5 sessions in 1 -2 weeks to get you back on track quickly. Perfect if you have a tight deadline like a holiday or significant event you need to be pain free and fully functional.

Start to feel amazing, get rid of pain and discomfort in your back and joints, build up strength and resilience in your body so your back and body feels mobile and moves with ease everyday.  

5 sessions over 1-2 weeks depending on urgency. 

Includes,  Initial Consulation 1×45 mins, 2 x45 min follow up sessions and 2 x 30 minute follow up sessions

Total £300 

Please call the clinic directly to book this option to make sure we have the availability you need to complete your treatment programme.

Speak to Seona or EJ on 07377773312


How to Find Us


2 Free Church Passage, St Ives, Cambridgeshire. PE27 5AY


I'm looking forward to meeting you.

Don't Delay, Book Today

New Patient

If you would like to talk to Seona before booking please contact her by entering your details inot this simple form or call or text the number below.


If you would like to book your first appointment now please click on the ‘Book Online’  link below.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

If you haven’t seen Seona before then please book an Initial Consultation and First Treatment. She can then assess you during this session and determine the best programme of care for you.

If you haven’t booked in before and you would just like gentle non clicking chiropractic care please book either The Initial Consultation and First Tretatment if you are new to the clinic or haven’t been for over a year. If you have visited Seona in the last year please choose follow-up appointment.


This amazing one and a half hour session looks into many different aspects of your bodys health, not only will it help address the aches and pains but focusing on 12 muscles around the body to assess weakness in those muscle and gives us insight into how healthy different aspects of your body are. We can assess your acupuncture meridians and the normal flow of energy through them,  any holes in your nutrition limiting your body’s ability to heal. This sessionwill also look at your lymphatic system and if there are blockages in this very important waste management sytem in you body. We also check your neurovascular system to assess the nerve and blood vessels and their conductivity and balance in the cranial sinuses. 

If you  have aches and pains and you suspect there are underlying health issues related to your current injuries then this longer session will dig deeper to uncover the known or unseen culprets affecting your health and healing. 

The Full Body Reset programme does just that, it analyses and creates a very special and personal programme of care designed to get you back to full health.  

Each element of the programme will take you closer to achieving your goals – specific goals will be discussed in your first session.  Our aim is always to move your body towards increased health and wellness and allow your body to thrive free from blockages in your lymphatic system, neurovasular system, your energy meridians, your nervous system (spine & nerves, balance of the left/right hemispheres of the brain using Bachs Flower dPilates to develop strenth, flexibility and body awareness to cement in all the amazing changes to your body.  All elements are designed to bring your body back into balance, harmony and cohesion back to your body